Double New Moon in Cancer, Beginning of Black Moon Astrology Forecast

July 20, 2020
17:32 UTC/10:32 PST

By resident astrologer Amelia Jordan Lee

Staying true to the wild and unpredictable nature of 2020, this week welcomes a unique new moon on July 20th - a rare Double Moon in Cancer and the beginning of a Black Moon season. Before we dive into the distinctive characteristics of this double moon, let’s first look at the meaning of a New Moon. 

Typically unseen, a new moon represents the end of one cycle and the beginning of another new 28-day cycle. Often seen as an excellent time for making a fresh start, turning over a new leaf, or starting a new project, it’s also an opportunity to examine old habits, behaviors and beliefs as you create new and inventive ways to grow and transform. 

In the couple days leading up to and during a New Moon, you may experience a drop in your energy levels as you prepare for letting go of the old to welcome the new.



Energies of restriction, patience and caring

Now that we know a little bit more about new moons in general, what exactly is a Double New Moon or Double Moon? A rare phenomenon, a Double Moon consists of a second New Moon in the same zodiac sign. In this case, the first New Moon in Cancer happened on June 21st, and the second is on July 20th. The second is therefore named a Double Moon.

A Double Moon is a time to review the intentions we set in the previous cycle and adjust; an opportunity for reflection and adaptation. Connected with the energies of the annular solar eclipse on June 21st, this new moon brings intense emotions, likely double that of the previous new moon. The energy of the new karmic cycle is asking you to stand up for yourself, while most likely confronting an authoritative figure or situation. 

This July Double New Moon is a great time to reflect on the things and beliefs that are holding you back from living your best life. Often, we are the ones in our own way. Is it a bad habit, a fear, or a voice of doubt that keeps you playing small? Is your mindset limiting what you believe is possible for you and your life? In short, the intense energy and chaos you may be feeling within can be seen as an opportunity to let go and be reborn.

With the New Moon falling in the feminine and watery sign of Cancer, we are being asked not to make spreadsheets or set goals, but rather, to focus on aligning ourselves with the flow of life. When we align, we trust that whatever is meant to find us will find us, and the next perfect step will be naturally revealed. The Cancer Double Moon reminds us that this process is not about struggling or “hard work”. Instead, it is about surrendering to our own intelligence and intuition that lives within. Living from this place of surrender and trust requires letting go of the ego, shedding long time societal conditioning and recognizing there is a different and better way. We are the way to the future we desire! 

The Cancer Double Moon on Monday, July 20, 2020, is opposite Saturn, bringing restrictions, trials, and hardship. This energy is serious and melancholic, highlighting situations that could make you feel frustrated, gloomy and held back. It’s a time for introspection: to focus on self and family.

While Saturn can feel like it’s holding us down or back, its influence can also help us connect within and contemplate how we can take responsibility for our lives. Of course, on a global level, we are feeling restrictions and oppressive structures to varying degrees, so this energy is likely to manifest on a personal level as well. We may start feeling restricted and held back by our own beliefs, habits or routines.

With the current global situation as it is, this new moon asks us to dig deep into our inner consciousness, bringing forth patience and understanding as we shift into a new way of being. In the face of challenges and uncertainty as the old ways of our world are falling away, we are witnessing and co-creating the emergence of a new paradigm.

The good news is that this Double Moon also offers a feeling of comfort and safety in stillness. Now is the time to connect with your intuition and to sit quietly, observing your emotions. As you notice any unresolved emotional wounds, offering empathy and forgiveness—for yourself and others—lays the path to healing.

The Beginning of a Black Moon Season

The Double Moon in Cancer also signifies the beginning of a Black Moon. Black moons are relatively rare, precious events which highlight the birth of a significant new life cycle. Considerably more potent than your ‘average’ new moon, this cycle is a defining one in terms of our future direction and the change it presents in our lives. 

Black Moons occur roughly every two and a half to three years and are always preceded a month earlier by a new moon. In this case, that new moon is the Double Moon in Cancer on July 20th.

A Black Moon occurs in two parts: the first New Moon (July 20th) provides the opportunity to contemplate coming changes and make any necessary adjustments in current plans, and the actual Black Moon a month later (August 18th), which signifies the birth of new beginnings and an important fresh start. 

It may feel like we are coiling within ourselves—focusing on our internal emotional environment while paying special attention to family and home—preparing our minds and bodies for the upcoming Black Moon in August, which signals a redefining of our future direction.

A Black Moon has the potential to shift the very trajectory of your life. Now is the time to go within yourself and prepare for what’s to come!

July 2020 Cancer Double Moon Summary

  • How we feel: intense restriction, harshness, and a sense of being held back

  • What to focus on: family, environment, home, emotions and heart health

  • Contemplation: What is holding me back from living my best life?

  • Practices to support: grounding, heart chakra meditation, self-love ritual, inner reflection and contemplation

Journal Prompts

  • Who and what do I truly cherish? How am I honoring what I cherish in my daily life?

  • Do I trust my intuition? If not, why not? How can I honor the stirrings in my heart more?

  • What does the quality of my relationships with others say about the quality of my relationship with myself?

Rituals for Grounding & Connecting to your Heart

As this Double Moon/Black Moon represents a new beginning, we may feel restless and anxious. It’s best we channel this energy by grounding ourselves and rooting ourselves in the beauty of the present moment. 

A great way to ground your energy is to connect with nature. Walk barefoot on the grass, feel the earth with your hands, or take a leisurely stroll along the water's edge. These simple activities will connect your energy with the electromagnetic field of the Earth, helping to balance your mind, body and spirit. 

This double moon is a perfect opportunity to set intentions for your home and family life, to discover ways of creating a more peaceful and soothing environment. Although we each possess an incredible inner strength and resolve, Cancer energy reminds us we are not alone. It’s a time to connect with those that you love and to create a sense of family around you. We’ve all been home more than usual in the recent months, so it’s imperative that you fill your space with positive energy and things that nourish your soul. 

Take time this month to tell the people you love why you love them, and bring extra beauty into your home with uplifting music, fresh flowers and nourishing food.


Amelia Jordan Lee is a student of Astrology, integrating her vast experience in the fields of BioPsychology, Human Behavior, NLP, Human Design, Gene Keys and Energy Medicine into her understanding of the cosmos, along with a divine calling found in her own birth chart. The information contained in this article has been researched from various sources, as well as her personal philosophy and intuition. 

Kathryn Rogers