August 2020 Leo New Moon Astrology + Rituals

August New Moon is Tuesday, August 18, 2020, at 26° Leo, 7:41pm PST 

Planets Retrograde: Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Jupiter and Saturn

Major Themes: inspiration, communication, creativity and purposeful, courageous action

This Leo New Moon encourages you to express your unique creative flair and brings with it the motivation to shine on and go for your dreams with passion and heart!

August 18th brings the new moon in fiery Leo. Leo is the headlining star of the Zodiac, ruled by the Sun. Warm and generous, dignified and dramatic, this fire sign was made for the spotlight. At its best, Leo supports us in recognizing and celebrating what makes us truly unique and to own our inner creativity. Each of us has been given our own special gifts. We owe it to ourselves—as well as to the world—to develop, express, and share them.

By resident astrologer Amelia Jordan Lee

Leo New Moon Astrology 2020

The Leo New Moon fuels us with the burning desire to shine in our own one-of-a-kind way. 

It's time to express yourself in all your radiance and sparkle—speak up and play full out!

The key is to shine your light where it can be truly seen, while minimizing investing time and energy on people and situations that make you feel invisible. The more secure you are within yourself, the easier this is to do. So, taking steps to build your confidence during this new moon will be key.

With the Sun, Moon, and Mercury clustered together in fiery Leo and the New Moon forming a lucky trine aspect with goal-actualizing Mars, expect to feel extra motivated to chase after your dreams.

Mercury is supporting you by helping you tune into your heart’s desires and to follow your passions. Mercury governs communication and encourages us to verbalize what we want. Get ready to have your social skills activated, to get connected with the right people, and to possibly get inspired to learn something new that brings you joy and happiness. Tune into whatever that may be and follow through! 

Mercury also puts the focus on your thinking, bringing mental alertness, adaptability and curiosity. This is a busy and supportive new moon phase for sharing ideas, making plans, buying and selling, negotiating and meeting new people.

Mars in Aries is at a trine position (aspect) with the sun, moon and Mercury. Both Leo and Aries are fire signs, igniting a shift within you. Mars is action-oriented and pushes you to move forward. It’s current location in Aries will help to bolster your inner strength and courage, and empower you to take action towards your dreams. 

This is an amazing aspect for initiating new creative projects and pursuing our passions, offering increased motivation and drive. We may feel an inspired, fiery energy rising from within us and urging us to take action and get things done. 

As with fire energy, we’ll need to work with it carefully and consciously. Otherwise, we run the risk of burning ourselves out.

It will be important to listen to your body and to connect with your own wisdom. Mars is going to be triggering our energy levels and either wiping us out so we can get in balance, or boosting us up so we can move forward with more energy and greater alignment with our passions and purpose. 

What manifests in your life is what you need, so trust the rhythm and cycles of your body. Be patient with yourself and think of ways you can balance and soothe your energy levels.

Protecting your energy is also going to be important under the Leo New Moon. You can do this through herbal cleansing, saltwater baths or working with crystals. Because Mars is a planet of action, doing things like exercise, eating well, and breathwork will be beneficial too. 

While the focus is on creativity and action, this new moon also turns the spotlight inward and is an opportunity for inner growth. 

Lighting up the parts of ourselves that have been hidden in the shadows, the potency of this New Moon has the power to raise things from the dark, especially on a global level. Seeing things rise from the darkness is essential so they can be observed, learned from and reconciled for good. Sometimes, the shadows have to be exposed before they can return to the light. It’s important to keep centered and living from a place of compassion and love.

With all the outermost planets retrograde (i.e., Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto), along with Jupiter and Saturn, you may face decidedly personal issues that require reflection and regrouping more than ever before. With Uranus in Taurus (we’ll talk about that in a separate post), your sense of security has likely been rocked and you may be feeling a bit destabilized at all levels.

We are not just breaking up old patterns as we strive to find the shape of a new creation. We must actively set our hearts and willpower to focus on our creative process. Leo relates to the urges of the sacral chakra—where pure creativity arises from—and the solar plexus—your personal power center. This new moon is the perfect time to take courageous action in support of your creative flair. 

Don't be afraid to step up and be a leader in your own life under Leo’s support. It will be lending an optimistic hand and sending positive beams of uplifting energy. Magnanimous and dynamic, this new moon will help you follow your heart and align you with your passion.  Trust your emotions and gut instincts to guide your life. Honor the natural cycles you feel and where you’re ready to grow.

Overall, the Leo New Moon will be filling us with light so we can handle the tensions that may be swirling around us. Stay connected to this light, breathe in your strength and connect with your inner-fire. Hold the flames of your purpose, passion and love within you, and know that you are bright and powerful enough to guide yourself through anything that arises.  

Leo New Moon Rituals 

Essential Oils to Diffuse: Wild Orange, Ylang Ylang and Rose

Vision Board: Turn your dreams into a visual reality by putting images that inspire you and your dreams on a bulletin board or poster board. Have fun playing with new perspectives and directions that align you with your heart’s desires. Surround yourself with images that boost your confidence and see how your courage increases. You’ll feel empowered and inspired with the Leo New Moon.

Sun Truffle + Solar Plexus Meditation: Order or pick up a box of our Sun Truffles infused with calendula, dandelion, lemon balm, turmeric and ginger to activate your solar plexus, and enjoy them along with our solar plexus meditation.

Confidence Candle Ritual

Using this candle ritual, you’ll find it easier to trust yourself and your self-worth.

Supplies: Incense, beeswax candle, Palo Santo stick, marker or pen


  1. Light some incense. As it burns, write down 10 qualities you feel confident embodying, and 10 you would like to cultivate and expand on.

  2. Light a beeswax candle to connect to your solar plexus chakra (just above your belly button), stimulating confidence and energy (Leo’s specialities). 

  3. On the stick of Palo Santo, use a marker or pen to write down a couple of the qualities you listed that mean the most to you and best align with how you want to represent yourself this season. Light the stick using the candle, and place it in a safe place on your altar to let it burn.

  4. Close your eyes and visualize yourself filling up from head to toe with pure golden light and fire energy that will sustain you through this moon cycle.

Questions for Reflection:

How can I bring my unique creative flair to the world?

What does it feel like in my body when I am living courageously and confidently?

What action step(s) am I inspired to take today in alignment with my passions?

Kathryn Rogers